Smear booking

Home / Smear booking

Please read before booking

  1. Only book your smear test if you received invitation letter from Cervical Check. You can also check if you are due a smear here.
  2. If you have any questions about cervial smear, see HSE website here. Or free phone: 1800 45 45 55.
  3. Please click “submit” button only once.
  4. You will receive e-mail with confirmation of appointment after submitting the form.
  5. For your convenience, there will also be .ics file attached to the e-mail should you wish to easily add it to our electronic calendar.
  6. Please send only one form and check your e-mail (including SPAM folder) before assuming the booking did not go through.
  7. Please note that there are currently some delays in results coming back to us.
  8. If you are not a patient of Strand Medical Practice:
    Because of significant amount of people who book in appoitment but do not show up, no on-line booking for women who are not patients is allowed at this time. Please call the surgery to discuss appotnement.


For Emergency cases

For Urgent out of hours care