Flu vaccine

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Influenza vaccination 2022/2023

This year (season 2024 / 2025) the flu vaccine is available free of charge for people who are in an at risk group (see list below) or who live with or care for people in at risk groups.

Nasal flu vaccine will be offered to children aged 2-17 year of age (also free of charge).

At this time due to limited vaccine supply we can only offer the flu vaccine to people who are in an at risk group or live with or care for people in an risk groups. We hope this will change as more vaccine becomes available.

Please note that your flu vaccine appointment is only for the flu vaccine- due to time constraints we will not be able to discuss other problems or queries

Please come for your appointment wearing loose clothing and be ready to expose your upper arm. You will have to stay in the waiting room or outside the surgery in your car with another adult for 15 minutes after your vaccination in case you have a reaction (this is very rare).

You can make an appointment using form at the bottom of this page.

To check which flu vaccine you can receive this year, see form below:

Unfortunately, there is no flu vaccine licenced for this age group.

Most children can receive nasal flu vaccine. Please read contracindications below:

Contraindications to LAIV
Anaphylaxis following a previous dose of any influenza vaccine or any of its constituents (other than ovalbumin)
Asthma - current acute exacerbation of symptoms/increased wheezing and/or additional bronchodilator treatment in the previous 72 hours - seek specialist advice for those who require regular oral steroids or who had previous critical care admission for asthma
Current use of aspirin/salicylates
Influenza antiviral medication within the previous 48 hours
On combination checkpoint inhibitors
Severe neutropoenia
Significant immunosuppression due to disease or treatment
Children who live with an immunosuppressed person requiring isolation (e.g. post haematopoietic stem cell transplant)
Those post cochlear implant until the risk of CSF leak has resolved - consult with the relevant specialist
Those with a cranial CSF leak

You can get the flu vaccine for free if you have:

  • chronic heart disease, including acute coronary syndrome
  • chronic liver disease
  • chronic renal failure
  • chronic respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, moderate or severe asthma or bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • chronic neurological disease including multiple sclerosis, hereditary and degenerative disorders of the central nervous system
  • diabetes mellitus
  • haemoglobinopathies
  • morbid obesity i.e. body mass index (BMI) over 40
  • immunosuppression due to disease or treatment (including treatment for cancer)

Some people should get the vaccine to protect themselves, their families and those they care for.  These include those who:

  • work in healthcare
  • are a carer or live with someone who is at risk of flu because of a long-term health condition
  • are a carer or live with someone who has Down syndrome

You can receive Fluenz Tetra, a live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV). This is an intranasal application. Read more about it here:

You can receive Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine (QIV). Read more about it here:

Unfortunately, we are not in position to offer you flu vaccine.

You can receive Fluad Tetra. Read more about it here:

Some basic information about flu vaccines:

Patients >17 years old

  • The Flu Vaccine helps your immune system to produce antibodies.
  • These antibodies attack the virus and stop you from getting sick.
  • The flu vaccine starts to work within two weeks.


Potential Effects of the Vaccine:

  • Mild Soreness or Redness or Swelling at Injection Site.
  • Transient Aches, Temporary Tiredness or Sore Head may occur.

All these effects are usually mild, brief (<24hr) and self-resolving.


  • You’ve ever had a prior ANALPHYLAXIS REACTION to it
  • You are on a COMBINATION CHECK POINT INHIBITOR (ipilumumab plus nivolumab)


  • Flu Vaccine is SAFE for those with EGG ALLERGY or EGG ANAPHYLAXIS
  • EXCEPT those who previously needed ICU Admission for EGG reaction.

Children 2-17 years old

  • NO needles are involved just a small NASAL applicator
  • Each spray is a miniscule 0.1 ml so is barely noticeable.
  • The Vaccine takes about 2 minutes to give.
  • The vaccine protects against Influenza by teaching your child’s immune system what the virus looks like, so it doesn’t catch the real ‘Flu.
  • Influenza is really unpleasant for our little ones. 
  • It results in 2 to 3 weeks off school or creche.
  • Some (but not many) children end up hospitalised with Flu A few of these need ICU admission!

Common side effects of Nasal Flu Vaccine:

  • Your child might feel a little unsettled after the vaccine.
  • Runny nose (coryza)
  • Feeling a little tired (malaise)
  • Feel warm to touch (fever)
  • All these effects are normal. 
  • Your child’s immune system is learning how to avoid catching the real ‘flu
  • If they occur, these effects usually last 24 hours.

Read more about flu and risk groups:

Patient information leaflet and consent

Please read information provided on this page before booking appointment.

For Emergency cases

For Urgent out of hours care