Covid booster booking on pause (update – not anymore!)

Update 20/12/2021

We got confirmation about amount of vials today. Booking now reopens. Original message from 17th below.

Due to sudden uncertainty about vaccine delivery due to a HSE issue we are unable to offer further appointments until we take delivery of vaccines and know exactly how many we have been left short. This is completely out of our control and we appreciate your understanding. We will update the website as soon as we can.

More details below.

Dear Patients

as you know initially we did not intend to participate in the Covid booster vaccination programme at all. That was because of increased workload in a winter time from respiratory illness presentation, increasing Covid numbers and other regular work in the surgery that had to be maintained. HSE administrators also decided to take away one of rooms we got at beginning of pandemic which reduced our capacity.

All patients >70 were referred to HSE for boosters on 10th November. Because HSE failed to call them in for boosters, we decided to run vaccination clinic on Sunday, 5th of December. That was to ensure all patients could still access us during the week. Despite all our staff working already so hard in those unprecedented times they all came without a word of complain.

Last Tuesday, 14th December, GPs were asked by HSE / government to assist in delivering boosters to all patients older than 16. We were assured there is enough Pfizer supply and that we will receive all support needed to run this “accelerated booster programme”. So we ordered 96 vials that would provide 576 doses and would cover all patients that received first two jabs with us.

Unfortunately, HSE failed us again. Today we learned that there is not enough Pfizer vials to meet our order. We will get mixed delivery of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. We do not know yet how many of each. How will this affect our booster clinics?

1) For the moment we are putting all bookings on hold. This is because we have to review all the bookings and count how many patients younger and older than 30 years we have. Those younger can only receive Pfizer. Those older can receive either Pfizer or Moderna. You will not be able to choose. They both provide excellent cover against Covid. Distinction is made to reduce risk of side effects.

2) We have to know how many of each vaccines we will get and check if that is enough for above groups. If possible, we will re-open bookings.

3) For the moment all bookings received remain valid. However, some might be cancelled.

4) Please expect clinics will run less smoothly than before because of extra steps needed. Waiting time outside surgery might be longer. Please have short sleeve ready and your Covid vaccination card (if vaccinated outside of our surgery) ready when entering the building.

5) Please be kind to our staff. We were prepared to do one thing, HSE forced us to do something different. Is very stressful to all of us and we are doing our best to get you vaccinated, we would hate to cancel clinics all together.

6) We will be updating this webpage with new information when it arises.
